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We have the most extensive outdoor recreation list in the entire Dayton area, it’s not even close! Weather permitting get out and explore our regions greatest resources: Our public parks.
Make sure to share this resource with others, chances are they don’t know about this site and it’s one of a kind. We will continue to add more in the near future so come back and check again.
Have a little cabin fever? Want to explore only the best major events coming to Dayton in February? Look no further, we have compiled a list of only the top major attractions coming to the Miami Valley. Rodgers & Hammerstein’s The King And I Date: February 12, 2019 – February 17, 2019 Times: Multiple […]
We need Writers! Want to see your article here? Our website has been totally revamped and we are looking for volunteer blog writers who might be interested in contributing articles to this website. Want some experience or to write about the things/events that excite you within Dayton? Perhaps you love concerts or eating out and […]